2024年11月1日 星期五

Risk taker 挑戰者

作者: 蔡昇達

女兒在美國讀的學校,每週老師會挑一位同學,給他/她戴上皇冠,IB King or IB Queen,意思是符合 IB 教育的精神,如幫助同學、照顧小動物、勇於提問……等。IB= International Baccalaureate,譯為國際文憑,重視批判性、思考表達、國際與在地連結的教育模式(摘自換日線,李易庭 Joyce 2022/10/03 文章),目前就讀的學校,即是一間以 IB 方式教學,並通過認證的私立學校,包含了幼稚園、小學、到中學,家長有八成左右都是妙佑醫學中心(Mayo Clinic)的員工。

老師挑選她的理由是: Katie was chosen IB Queen for being a risk taker by jumping right in to our class at a new school far away from home. 中譯: 勇於承擔風險,離家超過一萬公里(Google Map: 11508 公里),來到全新的學校學習。

短短的一段話,讓我滿震撼的,人生中第一次看到「Risk taker」(接受風險者)有如此正面的意義,還受到表揚。我想是一種文化的衝擊,華人從小受到的教育是要認真念書、找穩定的工作,最被鼓勵的是鐵飯碗公務人員,但這邊的教育不是這樣,鼓勵接受挑戰、勇於冒險,在圖書館童書區最常看到的是之前大航海時代的故事、繪本等,工作的同事有幾位也是離鄉背景、放下原本的光環,甚至花光積蓄,來這個全美第一的醫學中心拚一個機會。醫病溝通上也是如此,台灣的家屬常說「哇!風險這麼高,還是不要做了吧!」在這邊,我常聽到的反而是,「I know this procedure is risky, but let's do it!」假日和同事打排球,努力救球卻失敗,隊友會說「Good try」,體會到這邊從小即有深刻的教育,Risk taker 深植入心,相當值得我們學習。

"Katie was chosen as the IB Queen for being a risk taker by jumping right into our class at a new school far from home," her teacher wrote this week at Rochester Arts and Sciences Academy. I was surprised by this comment.

In my culture, "risk taker" is rarely seen as a compliment. In Chinese culture, we are taught not to challenge established rules; instead, we are encouraged to pursue stable jobs with minimal uncertainty, such as government positions. However, this isn’t the case here. In the U.S., taking risks is highly valued. At the public library, I found countless books celebrating bold adventures, including cruise explorations from recent centuries. Some of my colleagues are also risk takers—they’ve left their homes, work without pay, and push themselves daily at Mayo Clinic, hoping for future opportunities.

In the hospital, I often hear people say, "I know this procedure is risky, but let's do it!" rather than, "It’s too dangerous; I’d rather avoid it." Even while playing volleyball with my colleagues, after a missed shot, I always hear, “Good try!” rather than criticism. Through these experiences, I’m coming to understand the deeply ingrained concept of the "risk taker" here—a quality worth learning.

照片一、輪胎打氣,自己也是個 Risk taker,來到美國進修,學習異地生活大小事。I am also a risk taker, learning new techniques here, like inflating my own tires.

照片二、 看到美麗的極光,承擔風險,才能得到收穫。As a risk taker, I had the chance to see the beautiful northern lights here—it was truly amazing.