2020年6月27日 星期六


作者: 蔡昇達




收錄文獻的發表日期為 2019 年 12 月到 2020 年 04 月 30 日
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全文已於 2020.05.19 刋載於 Frontiers in Neurology (神經學前沿雜誌)
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The Neurologic Manifestations of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Systemic Review



2020年6月21日 星期日


作者: 蔡昇達


2020年6月20日 星期六

Curriculum Vitae

Author: Sheng-Ta Tsai

Sheng-Ta Tsai, MD, PhD

Doctor Tsai has devoted his life to Parkinson’s disease, movement disorder, stroke care, and neurocritical disease. He is a member of the movement disorder group led by Professor Chon-Haw Tsai. He has joined the deep brain stimulation intra-operative multichannel microelectrode recording (MER) and has performed basic studies for Parkinson’s disease. He is also a stroke neurologist performing intra-arterial thrombectomy for hyperacute large artery occlusion patients. And in the intensive care unit, he takes care of patients with severe stroke, status epilepticus, or severe central nervous system infection. Doctor Tsai has won high reward in the improvement of patients, including the regaining consciousness. In the intensive care unit, he often says to patients, “Our goal is your being able to walk back home without others’ assistance.”

Current position:
Aug 2019 - Present  Attending doctor, China Medical University Hospital
                         Assistant professor, China Medical University

China Medical University, Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, Master and Ph.D. Program (Aug 2018- Sep 2021)
School of Medicine, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (Sep 2005-Jun 2012)

July 2024- Present         Visiting scholar, Neural Engineering and Precision Surgery Laboratories, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Jan 2024 – July 2024 Visiting scholar, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Aug 2014 – Jul 2019 R1-R5, China Medical University Hospital
Aug 2013 – Jul 2014 PGY, Taichung Veterans General Hospital

Doctor in Taiwan, No. 049345, Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare
Neurologist in Taiwan, No. 1232, Taiwan Neurological Society
Certificated intra-arterial thrombectomy doctor in Taiwan, No. 051
Acupuncture doctor, No. 2555, Chinese Medical Association of Acupuncture (CMAA)
Specialist in Critical Care Medicine in Taiwan, No. 03334
Diabetes Combined Care Accreditation of Taichung City, Taiwan
Academic Teaching Rank Accreditation Certificate Assistant Professor, No. 154759

SCI papers: (IF= Impact factor; R/C= Ranking/ Category; *corresponding author)

Systemic review and meta-analysis: (3)

1.       Chia-Chun Yang, Sheng-Ta Tsai, Berne Ting, Ying-Chih Cheng, Chin-Kun Wang, Jane Pei-Chen Chang, *Kuan-Pin Su. Psychological Outcomes and Quality of Life of Fibromyalgia Patients with Vitamin D Supplementation—A Meta-Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12(7), 2750. IF= 4.964. (R/C= 55/172, Medicine, General & Internal)

2.     Sheng-Ta Tsai, Srinivasan Nithiyanantham, Senthil Kumaran Satyanarayanan, *Kuan-Pin Su. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the Concept of Mind-Body Interface. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2023;1411:435-458. IF= 3.650. (R/C= 33/94, Biology)

3.    Sheng-Ta Tsai, Ming-Kuei Lu, Shao San, *Chon-Haw Tsai. The Neurologic Manifestations of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Systemic Review. Front Neurol. 2020 May 19;11:498. IF= 4.086. (R/C= 88/212, Clinical Neurology)


Original articles: (8)

1.       Wei-Chun Wang, Shang-Yu Chien, Sheng-Ta Tsai, Yu-Wan Yang, Dang-Khoa Nguyen, Ya-Lun Wu, Ming-Kuei Lu, Ting-Hsuan Sun, Jiaxin Yu, Ching-Ting Lin, Chien-Wei Chen, Kai-Cheng Hsu, Chon-Haw Tsai. Automated delineation of acute ischemic stroke lesions on non-contrast CT using 3D deep learning: A promising step towards efficient diagnosis and treatment. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2024; 93:106139. IF= 4.9. (R/C= 30/123, Engineering, Biomedical)

2.         Kuei-Ming Lin, Chen-En Wang, Hong-Ji Liao, Wei-Laing Chen, Sheng-Ta Tsai, Shih-Hao Wu, Jia-Lun Huang, *Chia-Wei Lin. A comparison of in-hospital stroke and community-onset stroke outcomes after endovascular thrombectomy at a tertiary level hospital in Taiwan. Neurology Asia 2024; 29(1): 19- 25. IF= 0.2. (R/C= 265/269, Clinical neurology)

3.         Sheng-Ta Tsai, Chia-Chun Yang, Hsien-Yin Liao, and *Yi-Wen Lin. Electroacupuncture Reduces Fibromyalgia Pain via Neuronal/Microglial Inactivation and Toll-like Receptor 4 in the Mouse Brain: Precise Interpretation of Chemogenetics. Biomedicines 2024; 12(2): 387. IF= 4.7. (R/C= 94/315, Biochemistry and molecular biology)

4.         Yu-Chen Chiu, Jia-Li Yang, Wei-Chun Wang, Hung-Yu Huang, Wei-Liang Chen, Pao-Sheng Yen, Ying-Lin Tseng, Hsiu-Hsueh Chen, *Sheng-Ta Tsai. Predictors of unfavorable outcome at 90 days in basilar artery occlusion patients. World J Clin Cases 2022; 10(12): 3677-3685. IF= 1.534. (R/C= 135/172, Medicine, General and Internal)

5.         Sheng-Ta Tsai, Tzu-Hsuan Wei, Yu-Wan Yang, Ming-Kuei Lu, Shao San, Chon-Haw Tsai, *Yi-Wen Lin. Transient receptor potential V1 modulates neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease dementia: Molecular implications for electroacupuncture and rivastigmine. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2021; 24: 1-10. IF= 2.699. (R/C= 94/140, Medicine, Research & Experimental)

6.         Sheng-Ta Tsai, *Fu-Yu Lin, Pei-Shan Chen, Hsiu-Yin Chiang, Chin-Chi Kuo. Three-year mortality in cryptococcal meningitis: Hyperglycemia predict unfavorable outcome. PLoS One. 2021 May 28;16(5):e0251749. IF= 3.24. (R/C= 26/73, Multidisciplinary Sciences)

7.         Sheng-Ta Tsai, Wei-Chun Wang, Yu-Ting Lin, Wei-Shih Huang, Hung-Yu Huang, Chun-Ju Wang, En-Zu Lin, Wei-Ling Kung, Yuh-Cherng Guo, Kang-Hsu Lin, Ming-Kuei Lu, Pao-Sheng Yen, Wei-Laing Chen, Ying-Lin Tseng, Chin-Chi Kuo, Der-Yang Cho, Chun-Chung Chen, *Chon-Haw Tsai. Use of a smartphone application to speed up interhospital transfer of acute ischemic stroke patients for thrombectomy. Front Neurol. 2021; 12: 606673. IF= 4.003. (R/C= 107/255, Clinical Neurology)

8.     Sheng-Ta Tsai, Chun-Hung Tseng, Mei-Chen Lin, Hsien-Yin Liao, Boon-Khai Teoh, Shao San, Chon-Haw Tsai, Hung-Yu Huang, *Yi-Wen Lin. Acupuncture reduced the medical expenditure in migraine patients: Real-world data of a 10-year national cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Aug 7;99(32):e21345. IF= 1.889. (R/C= 99/169, Medicine, General and Internal)

Case report published as formal journal paper: (7)

1.         Shin-Kuang Jiang, Wei-Liang Chen, Chun Chien, Chi-Syuan Pan, *Sheng-Ta Tsai. Rapid progressive vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with cerebral venous thrombosis after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccination: A case report. World J Clin Cases 2022 Sep 16; 10(26): 9462-9469. IF= 1.534. (R/C= 135/172, Medicine, General and Internal)

2.         Camerdy Yue Yang, *Sheng-Ta Tsai. Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65-positive autoimmune encephalitis presenting with gelastic seizure, responsive to steroid: A case report. World J Clin Cases 2021; 9(19): 5325-5331. IF= 1.337. (R/C= 119/169, Medicine, General and Internal)

3.         Ta-Wei Guu, Sheng-Ta Tsai, and *Kuan-Pin Su. Autoimmune psychosis in Taiwan: A case report and review of literature. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2020 Mar; 3: 100055

4.         *Sheng-Ta Tsai, Wei-Shih Huang, Shin-Kuang Jiang, Hsien-Yin Liao. Cervical spinal epidural abscess following needle-knife acupotomy, with an initial presentation that mimicked an acute stroke: A case report. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;27(2):99-102. IF= 0.486 (R/C= 31/32, Emergency Medicine)

5.         Sheng-Ta Tsai, Jheng-Zong Tien, Yin-Lan Lin, Yen-Cheng Lai, *An-Ti Chang. Gastrointestinal: Refractory paralytic ileus cured by immunotherapy, a case of natural killer cell neoplasm-induced polyneuropathy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Dec 10. IF= 4.029. (R/C= 43/131, gastroenterology and hepatology)

6.         Shao Hor, Chih-Yu Chen, *Sheng-Ta Tsai. Propofol pump controls nonconvulsive status epilepticus in a hepatic encephalopathy patient: A case report. World J Clin Cases. 2019 Sep 26;7(18):2831-2837. IF= 1.337. (R/C= 119/169, Medicine, General and Internal)

7.     Shao San, Chia-der Lin, Sheng-Ta Tsai, Chao-Chun Lin, *Po-Chang Wu. Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease Presented as Recurrent Otitis Media and Mixed Hearing Loss Treated with Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab: A Case Report. Arch Rheumatol. 2018 Nov 30;34(2):233-237. IF= 1.472 (R/C= 31/34, Rheumatology)

2020年6月16日 星期二


作者: 蔡昇達

現職: 中國醫藥大學附設醫院主治醫師 (2019.08-)

中華民國海軍陸戰隊醫務士 (2012.08-2013.07)
台中榮總不分科住院醫師 (2013.08-2014.07)
中國附醫神經部住院醫師 (2014.08-2019.07)
中國附醫神經部主治醫師 (2019.08-)
美國國家衛生研究院進修 (2024.01-)
學歷: 國立成功大學醫學系學士 (2005.09-2012.06)
        中國醫藥大學針灸研究所博士 (2019.08-2021.09)
專科證照:  神經專科醫師: 神專醫字第1232號 
                針灸專科醫師: 中華針灸醫學會第 2555 號
                中華民國神經放射線醫學會動脈取栓認證第 IAT-051 號
                輻射防護訓練證書: 台能輻訓字第 109512 號
                重症醫學專科醫師: 重聯專字第 03334 號
                台灣醫學教育學會考官證書: OSCE 考官證字(109)第 0037 號


作者: 蔡昇達


一、7/25(一) 烏理雅蘇臺 (Uliastai),一個13歲的小妹妹面色愁苦的過來,表示身上皮膚的斑點存在好幾個月了,時常很癢。小妹妹是牧區的孩子,每天要放牧牛羊、幫忙家人親戚洗衣服……,做許多的事情,很擔心這些斑點是不是什麼怪病,也受到親戚朋友的異樣眼光。

看完之後跟小妹妹解釋這是一種黴菌感染(變色糠疹,Tinea versicolor),不是怪病,只要抹藥膏、吃些藥就會好了!講完後聽著翻譯向小妹妹解釋,看著小妹妹的表情從愁苦變為開懷,最後很燦爛的向我們笑並答謝。


二、一樣是 7/25(一) 烏理雅蘇臺 (Uliastai),一個59歲的阿伯,帕金森氏症,動作遲緩、左手顫抖、走路駝背,幫他做一些神經學檢查後開藥讓他帶回去,看完後阿伯伸出手來與我握手,「謝謝你專業的檢查!」


三、 7/31(日) 車金烏拉,昨天下午看的一個阿嬤跑來找我,想說「昨天不是看過了嗎?怎麼今天又來?」阿嬤透過翻譯跟我說「昨天腳痛來給你們看,看完回家後晚上第一次腳不會痛了,睡得很好,非常高興,想要來答謝你們。」


四、 8/1(一) 陶宋冊格勒,最後一天的看診,下午有個 20 歲的年輕男孩過來,媽媽說他出生時跟正常人一樣,但是三歲的時候撞到頭,之後就開始會有癲癇發作,且智力比一般人差,看過後開些藥讓他回去。

當天我們約 19:30 結束看診,走出寺院時發現所有病人都回去了,剩下三個人留在外面:男孩、媽媽、和他的姊姊,男孩看到我走出門,便迎了上來,說了許多話,雖然聽不懂,但感受到他表情中的熱切,後來有個翻譯經過,便請他幫忙翻譯,他說男孩不停的講著一句話:





作者: 蔡昇達

80 歲阿嬤,去年八月由女兒帶來看失智的問題,表示兩年來漸漸退化,做過的事情不久即忘記、一直回憶過去的種種、迷路……等,剛開始用藥的兩個月,睡眠改善、情緒也穩定一些





2020年6月14日 星期日


作者: 蔡昇達

37 歲男性,2019 年 8 月第一次來到神經內科門診,因頭暈、頸部僵硬等症狀,幫他安排了腦血管超音波檢查,發現左側中大腦動脈流速明顯高於右側及同齡男性 (如上圖紅框,183.93 cm/s),跟病人解釋應該是長期抽煙導致的顱內血管狹窄,要小心發生中風,嚴重的中風可能重殘需要人照顧……



2020 年 3 月再回診,期間七個多月,沒有再抽過一支煙!先生表示他的精神變好了、也開始規律的運動,整個生活都不一樣了,再追蹤超音波,發現同一條血管的流速回到正常(如下圖紅框,143 cm/s),應該是整體的彈性都改善了,跟他說可以從神經內科畢業了!

先生走出診間前向我鞠了個躬,但其實是我在內心向他深深一鞠躬,這位先生教了我: 若心裡有正確且堅定的認識,改變長期的習慣並不是一件困難的事情!也想到黃帝內經教的,應該重視「不治已病治未病,不治已亂治未亂」


作者: 蔡昇達

索羅門群島,是成功大學醫學系 101 級同學,波波拉的故鄉,以上影片,「南島的祝福」,是波波拉學成歸國為鄉親們服務的故事~~

Especially when you put the smile in the faces of the patients. It really touches your heart. To give more, to provide more.

中譯: 尤其是你讓病患的臉龐綻開微笑時,那真的讓人深深感動,讓人想付出更多、給予更多。
